In 2005, I began teaching a jewelry design workshop called "Romancing the Stone" at a spectacular hub of creativity in Davis Square ( Somerville, MA) called Spark Studio. I talked about gemology and the myths and legends surrounding certain gems. The workshop was created for February, so of course the theme was Valentine's Day and the stones we focused on had stories attached to them related to love, romance, family and friendship. At the end of my chat, participants created jewelry of their own design using the stones we discussed. It was wildly popular and oodles of fun to teach!
Over and over, the favorite story was that of Amethyst... the gorgeous purple gem now associated with February birthdays.
Over and over, the favorite story was that of Amethyst... the gorgeous purple gem now associated with February birthdays.
According to legend, Bacchus - the god of wine - was in a terrible state when a beautiful maiden has the misfortune of crossing his path. He had sworn to turn the next person he met by unleashing tigers upon them. As the tigers pounced, goddess Diana intervened, and turned the beautiful girl to clear stone. Bacchus was horrified at his actions, and in an attempt to repent, poured wine over the stone statue, turning her a deep purple. Thus, Amethyst was born, a stone symbolic of calmed passions and cured intoxication.
Amethyst, a violet-shaded quartz found in Brazil, Sri Lanka and even the high mountains of the American Rockies remains a popular, versatile stone. So this Valentine's Day, wear some amethyst and raise your glass to Bacchus!
Blue skies,
Blue skies,